Manager’s Message – July 2020

Posted: July 1, 2020 at 10:26 am

Halifax EMC is here for you, and given the challenging times we’ve all experienced the last few months, I’d like to share some information and ideas to help you save energy and money.
Identifying ways to save
Summer is a great time to conduct an energy audit of your home and identify ways to boost energy efficiency. Understanding how your home uses energy can help you determine the best ways to modify energy use and keep more money in your wallet.
An energy audit is one of the best ways to determine how energy efficient your home is––an audit can also identify areas for potential energy savings. Halifax EMC offers free energy audits. If you’d prefer to do an energy audit yourself, try ENERGY STAR®’s online audit. Visit, then enter “home energy yardstick” in the search box to get started. But keep in mind, an online audit won’t be as thorough as an in-home audit.
Putting power in your hands
Prepaid metering is intended to aide in budgeting your monthly energy costs. Halifax EMC members can pay for electricity before it is used, then use the electricity until the credit expires. During the time period you’ve paid for, you will receive feedback on your balance through daily email or text alerts about the previous day’s energy usage. Industry studies show that consumers who participate in prepaid metering plans use up to 10% less electricity.
Lastly, if you have recently purchased a new ENERGY STAR®-rated appliance or product, make sure you are taking advantage of any special offers or rebates that are available.
As your trusted energy advisor, we’re here to help. If you have questions about your bill or additional ways to save energy, please let us know. We’re only one click or phone call away.